ٍِِِAmgad Edward, artist of reality and imagination

Visual artist, photographer and traveler
Amgad Edward. Born in Cairo, Egypt 1977
He joined the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo in 1996 and graduated in 2001 with distinction and honors
He founded a graphic design and advertising company, but he stuck to the visual arts and participated in many private and public exhibitions
He immigrated to France in 2018, where he lived in Paris and engaged in artistic work. In 2019, he moved to the city of Angres in western France. He began his artistic journey with his new style, which quickly gained fame and spread in the Loire region in western France
He held and participated in many public and private art exhibitions and salons from the year 2019 until the year 2023, where his artistic activity increased significantly and many newspapers covered articles about his artistic experience
As with the brush and color palette, Amgad Edward used the camera lens to produce his art
His travels
Amgad Edward, immediately after graduating from the university, began practical and artistic work to fulfill his dream of travel, adventure, and discovering the world. He traveled to many countries, the most important of which he mentions
Greece, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, (And most European countries) Georgia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. He undertook multiple photography tours
Amgad Edward mentions to us his trip in the summer of 2022 to several European capitals, which he began in Germany, where he traveled to dozens of German cities on a 21-day tour that began in Frankfurt, Trier, Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Dresden, then from there to Austria and then to the city of Prague, the capital of the country. Czech Republic, from there to the charming Italian city of Venice, then back to Germany, then to Luxembourg, then back to Paris

During his journey, Amgad Edward says: My recent journey using my cameras and modern photography tools is characterized by the production of new, unique works of art. Amgad Edward says
How amazing it is to go to places in the world and discover them with the eyes of modern technologies using the Doron camera, where I can go to any point to take rare and amazing pictures, defying gravity and physical restrictions. Many photographers have always dreamed of being free from these restrictions and going to angles that were impossible in the past
Amgad Adwar’s works focus primarily on the human side, as in drawing, as well as through his lens
To take us into his worlds that combine reality and imagination